Another warning about the growth of antibiotic resistance –this time from the USA- reported in May 2016. A woman suffering from what appeared to be a normal urinary tract infection was treated with the antibiotic of ‘last resort’ Coliston and her doctors were alarmed to find that the infection was resistant to it. This has caused shockwaves in the medical profession as over the past decade, more and more bacteria have become antibiotic resistant-Coliston had been up to now fully effective.
Vytenis Andriukaitis, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety said: “The near doubling of resistance in a certain bacteria in three years is truly alarming and illustrates the need to tackle the issue from all directions. Antimicrobial resistance is one the most pressing public health issues of our time….
European centre of disease prevention and control
November 2014
Cystitis and urinary tract infections, often referred to as UTIs, are among the most common types of bacterial infection in outpatient medicine.
Mild cystitis usually clears up within a few days. You can treat it at home by drinking plenty of water, which seems an endless task but can have positive results, and also taking painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. However, more severe cystitis is often treated with antibiotics to kill the bacteria.
Many women, up to 20% of sufferers go on to develop life altering recurrent cystitis.
The most common treatments for prevention are the continuous ingestion of sub-therapeutic doses of antibiotics for up to three months, or sometimes even more. It has been found that repeated doses of antibiotics to control recurrence, although usually effective initially, can encourage the bacteria to become antibiotic resistant. Furthermore, continuous/chronic antibiotics ingestion can cause other problems like intolerances, allergies and gut problems.
The most common bacteria found in recurrent cystitis are Escherichia coli (Ec). It is found in up to 90% of infections in adult women. It is also the most common bacteria in children and older people. The UTI definition includes symptoms (pain, local itching, fever, increase of urination frequency, dysuria) and the presence of bacteria in the urine culture. Nowadays, the presence of bacteria in the urine without symptoms is not considered a UTI unless other factors are involved like congenital defects.
The bacteria that cause cystitis are able to attach themselves to the bladder wall. There is strong evidence confirming that decreasing bacterial adherence can prevent UTIs.
Cranberries have long been known for supporting urinary tract health, but significant life changing results depends on the cranberry’s exact chemical composition. Cranberries contain compounds called proanthocyanidins, or PACs, which can dislodge the bacteria. Cranberry products vary widely in their chemical composition and thus their effectiveness.
Cysticlean® 240mg mg PAC, a natural, safe product that was specifically developed seven years ago to help prevent cystitis recurrence and avoid long-term administration of antibiotics. The high level of pac-240mg Pac in this high performing cranberry extract ensures that infection causing bacteria is stopped from adhering to the bladder wall. With 240mg of active ingredient- Cysticlean® is up to 6 times as potent as other cranberry extracts.
Studies with Cysticlean® with over 250 Women and children participating has indicated up to an 87% reduction in the number of UTI’s with no side effects reported. In a one year period of treatment the children participating in a 2011 study with a leading paediatrician in Barcelona demonstrated an overall92% reduction in recurrent UTI’s. In a unique 2013 post coital study with women an overall drop of 83% in recurrent UTI’s was demonstrated
Cysticlean® £ 24.99 for 30 capsules-1months supply.
NEW A 2015 published pilot study suggests that well defined Cysticlean® a cranberry product with a high PAC concentration and a high anti-adhesion activity could be taken into account as an alternative to antibiotics for a 1st line treatment of uncomplicated Cystitis.